
5 Best Ways to Prevent Travel Sickness

Travel sickness also called motion sickness, which is a common issue that can be traced to a disturbance of the inner ear when traveling. When you experience this, it can easily make the journey unpleasant—going on a trip by train, boat, automobile, or boat triggers motion sickness.

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Individuals tend to experience sweating, nausea, drooling, dizziness, short breath, drowsiness, and a general feeling of discomfort, like yawning, headache, etc. However, the good news is that you can do many simple things to prevent travel sickness while on a trip. Using some plant-based goodness to try some remedies can avoid or reduce travel sickness. Here are some recommended tips to avoid travel sickness:

  • 5 Best Ways to Prevent Travel Sickness:

  1. Consider using CBD Vape Juice

Motion sickness at times can arise due to stress or anxiety about the trip. When the body gets the cue, it starts acting up in various ways. However, calming your nerves can also help prevent motion sickness.

Vaping CBD juice during or before your trip can help calm your nerves. CBD vape juice can be incredibly helpful when fighting motion sickness. CBD vape juice can interact with the body's endocannabinoids, which also provides many health benefits. It can combine with the CB1 receptors present in the central nervous system, responsible for various body processes like memory, motor control, etc. You must try CBD juice from trusted cbd vape juice retailer.

CB1 receptors are also present in the gastrointestinal tract, and they play a terrific role in food consumption, intestinal inflammation, and regulating nausea and vomiting. THC impacts the endocannabinoid system of the body positively. The ability to bind with the CB1 receptors can control feelings like nausea and vomiting.

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  1. Check your Meals

For people prone to motion sickness, avoid spicy or any strange food that might not sit well with the stomach. Be careful and intentional with your meals about a couple of days before the trip.  Only concentrate on foods you are familiar with, like carbs and other quickly digested foods. With this, your stomach will be pretty comfortable, reducing the probability of acting up.

While pineapple helps with motion sickness, ensure to consume it before hopping on the plane or getting in the vehicle. On the morning of the trip, a glass of juice spiced up with pineapple might help. On the trip, you can also chew gum as it can reduce the effect of motion sickness. This can be traced to the motion of the jaw, which helps the inner ear attain balance. You can also chew ginger biscuits to calm your nerves.

  1. Trigger your Pressure Points

There is evidence that acupressure might also be responsible for relieving travel sickness. While some people think this has no scientific basis, it is worth trying, and the placebo effect might help.

A straightforward way to avoid travel sickness is to convince yourself that you can make it without the illness. Also, if you believe that putting on pressure point devices like plastic bumps and wristbands will help with travel sickness, then go for it.

Motion sickness bracelets or bands might help keep your stomach from acting up while on a trip. When you stimulate some specific pressure point located on the wrist, you can experience an anti-nausea effect. Such bands are affordable and will not attract unwanted attention, so consider using them for your journey.

  1. Use Ginger Root

Ginger root stands out for its application in treating nausea. It is available in many forms like tea, capsules, tablets, candles, crystallized roots, or ginger ale. According to some studies, ginger root has anti-nausea properties that can fight nausea and vomiting.

Here is another study revealing that ginger can help to prevent motion sickness. Ginger will not hurt, so eat at least two grams an hour before your trip. People on any medical prescription should consider getting in touch with their doctor before using ginger for motion sickness.

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  1. Listen to Music

Having a good distraction can help take your mind away from sensations that might trigger travel sickness. This is where music comes in when traveling. It will not only take your mind away from car sickness, but it can also make the journey pretty enjoyable.

While traveling, ensure you have headphones and pack your favorite playlist. You will be better off using devices with headphones and not with the car speaker. You can even listen to a favorite audiobook while on the trip. A headphone is better because it delivers a balanced stereo sound which can help people regain their balance. So, invest in a good headset as part of the things to take on your trip.


Travel sickness need not make your journey uncomfortable. Most times, such conditions are temporary and go away after the journey. However, it can make your trip uncomfortable, especially if you have nothing to counter it. The following tips will come in handy to help you calm your nerves and address travel sickness.