Travel to Asia 🐘 🏝
🧳 🛩 3 Weeks of Travel
Oman Thailand Cambodia Laos
Traveling to Asia is not just a dream but a reality too.
LINK to the YouTube Video : 🐘 🏝 🌅 💘
Irene (a good friend of mine) and I somehow planned this trip for a long time. The decision was very spontaneous. The tickets have already been booked by
🛩Travel Princess 🧳 Irene, 10 days before.

The tension increased with each day and I could not wait to get the case out of the basement.
And with that came the deadline, the journey beginn!
The journey started in Brixen/Bressanone in the north of Italy in the middle of winter. The snow makes the trip exciting, considering that in a few hours in shorts on the beach.

We took the Flixbus service to get from Brixen/Bressanone to Munich. From there it went with Oman Airlines to Muscat in Oman. The first destination was the Bimmah Sinkhole in Oman 🇴🇲 (250 km south of Muscat) , what an experience. In one country with street signs in squiggling lines. Awesome!

From there we took the plane east to Bangkok in Thailand 🇹🇭! Back in the city that never sleeps!

The Thai food, the smiling people everywhere, the cars and Tuk-Tuks honk without end on the starts of this city. My starting point was the Baiyoke Tower, the city's tallest cloud cat! What was that awesome breakfast on the 86 floor of the house!

After a few days of city life, the minivan headed for the province of Trat, where it took a ferry to the beautiful island of Ko Chang. 🏝 🐘
The island life as a man from the mountains you can almost get used to. 😜 It has something special the infinite vision on the horizon at the sea. The beautiful sunsets and sunrises 🌅 and also that rush from the sea in the early morning makes me smile. And not to forget the morning walk to the village to get caffe and tropical fruits.
What an incredible taste! especially pineapple 😋 🍍
I had the newest motorcycle 🛵 on the island and was very proud of my bike. Every day we went by motorcycle to the great places around the island. One of the most beautiful tours was the way to Khlong Phlu Waterfall in the middle of the jungle. A real pearl of the island!
Time passed so fast and we had to move on again. So it went on to the mainland again.
Cambodia 🇰🇭 is the next destination. The whole journey from Koh Chang to Siem Reap took a whole day, but the effort was worth it to experience the holy temples of Angkor wat 😍. It may or may not be a very touristy place, but whoever was there understands this situation. A really magical place and should be on every bucket list. Honestly said the trip to Angkor was only one day and it was an incredible feeling to feel this place. 🧘🏻♂️ 💘
The final destination was the trip from Siem Reap to the 4000 islands on the Mekong River in scenic Laos 🇱🇦. Visited this place 6 years ago, so it was a great feeling to see this place again. Has changed little on these islands. In places like these, which are mostly not changed by the modern world. The clocks go a different rhythm. But is not that exactly what we are looking for?
Has any of you visited any of these places? 🧭 🏝 🇴🇲 🇹🇭 🇰🇭 🇱🇦 🐘
Backpacking Southeast Asia on a budget? If you need any information or ideas i will help you out!
2019 Travel to Asia 🐘 🏝 Oman / Thailand / Cambodia / Laos 🧳 🛩
Any questions?
I will gladly answer you!
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2019 = 52 weeks = 52 new ideas = 52 uploads. The is Game on!
I will try to arrive here every Monday at 18.48 every monday. 📺 👈🏻
Let's make thing happen! ❤️
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#laos #thailand #cambodia