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The Crystal Castle

Recharging the soul within crystals and meditation

One of the several Buddha statues in the structure

Crystal Castle is home to the biggest crystals in the world and a place recharge your spirit. I bought the daily pass for only 32 dollars and had the opportunity to learn more about the world of crystals and to fill my mind with a lot of positive vibes.

Example of Crystak you will find through your experience Example of Crystak you will find through your experience

Walking through the Shambalha gardens I encountered enormous Buddhist statues and I discovered different species of subtropical plants and flowers. The gardens are full of things to discover like “The reflexology Walk” and “The Buddha Walk”. The reflexology walk is based on the healing art of reflexology. Practiced in India, and is based on the principle that there are several nerves in our feet linked to our minds and that walking barefoot can stimulate them reducing chronic pains and enhancing our well-being.

Amazing flowers Amazing flowers

Buddhist Walk Buddhist Walk

The Buddha walk leads you through a Buddhist discovery of several statues. The labyrinth is another interesting section of the gardens thanks to its spiritual tradition through human history. In fact, by walking the path forward the center, neurological pathways get activated between the right and left hemispheres in the brain. Entering in the labyrinth is an opportunity to let go of thoughts and distractions, meditating about something in specific in our lives and seeking answers within. Crystal castle is also home to the “Kalachakra Stupa”, the only kind of this stupa in the Southern Hemisphere blessed by the Dalai Lama.

Kalachakra Stupa Kalachakra Stupa

Included in the daily pass there are also several workshops to take part in. I participated in the “peace experience” which was a half an hour of meditation with Crystal bowls to reach an inner sense of peace. Last, but definitely not least, a reason to visit Crystal Castle is that our contribution supports many global projects around the world because one of the main ethical rules of the place is not only healing and supporting people on a personal level but also as a global one.